Mar 22, 2016
Tamara Gaffney, Principal Analyst for Adobe Digital Index, joins the Social Pros Podcast to discuss their extremely accurate social landscape forecaster that is helping shape the industry.
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Mar 15, 2016
Dan Moriarty, Director of Digital Strategy and Activation for the Hyatt Hotels Corporation, joins the Social Pros Podcast to share his approach to cohesively yet uniquely managing a global brand’s social across different platforms.
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Mar 8, 2016
Lee Aase, Director of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, joins the Social Pros Podcast to share his successful approach to maximizing one-to-one customer journeys across all social touchpoints, both internal and external, in a strictly regulated industry.
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Salesforce Marketing Cloud...
Mar 1, 2016
Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local, joins the Social Pros Podcast to discuss his new book “The Art of People” and how proper listening can make you a better person, partner, and social pro.
Special thanks to our sponsors:
Salesforce Marketing Cloud (#Winning at Social, 4 Steps to Enhance Your Social Media St...